Rules and Safety
Here at the iJUMP trampoline arena, your safety is our number one priority (as well as ensuring you are all having fun of course!). Jumping on trampolines is potentially a dangerous activity and is categorised as an extreme sport. As such, it is of utmost importance that all jumpers understand the risks and follow the set rules, safety guidelines and also jump within their own ability.
Our rules and guidelines are designed to minimise risk of injury to both yourself and others. Our staff is always present to ensure all our rules are adhered to and are always available to discuss any concerns you may have.
We accept no responsibility for any injuries that occur as a consequence of using our equipment, therefore, it is recommended that all of our guests read our guidelines below to ensure that together we can minimise the occurrence of injury.
We have designed a highly robust arena structure here at iJUMP and regular inspections are conducted by us to ensure that all the equipment is safe and secure. We train our staff to the highest standards and to ensure your safety we have a scheduled maintenance programme with trained staff performing both daily and weekly checks on all equipment.
Waiver Forms
We require that all jumpers over the age of 18 years complete a waiver form before entering the iJUMP arena (a parent/guardian must complete a waiver form for any jumper under the age of 18 years). Please note that you may be asked to provide valid photo ID on entry. Waivers must be filled out completely and correctly with all information required in order for them to be valid and allow access to the iJUMP Trampoline Arena.
If you need assistance in completing the waiver for any reason, a member of our staff will always be on hand and eager to assist!
- Always obey the instructions of our iJUMP staff.
- Always watch out for other jumpers, jump within your abilities
- NO children under the age of 5 are allowed to jump in the main iJUMP arena
- To ensure a fun and safe jumping environment for all, we ask that you ALWAYS adhere to the following safety rules and guidelines:”
Please DO…
- It is advised that all valuables be locked in your vehicle or left with a friend. iJUMP will not be held liable for any lost, stolen or damaged items brought onto our premises.
- Enter and exit the trampoline areas cautiously and when it is reasonable for you to do so.
- Be in control of your body at all times.
- Jump with TWO feet and flexed knees.
- Only one person per trampoline.
- Always be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from other jumpers.
- Only perform tricks that you can do confidently and safely.
- Perform single flips only.
- Read the rules posted in each area (i.e. Dodgeball, The Foam Pit, Extreme Area, Basketball Hoops).
- Always follow iJUMP staff’s instructions.
- Adhere to the age, weight and height restrictions for each area.
Please DO NOT…
- Do not wear shoes on the court.
- Do not bring any food or beverages on the platforms or trampolines.
- Do not lean or climb on netting.
- Do not double flip. Double flips are extremely dangerous and can be fatal. As a safety measure to all our jumpers we prohibit this technique.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
- Do not sit or lie on the court. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the arena.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not jump if you have health limitations, are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or if you are pregnant.
- Do not jump if an iJUMP staff member is not present .
Please note
- Somersaulting can result in serious injuries. Although we allow it on our premises, please be cautious of the people around you and only attempt it if it is within your ability level to do so.
- Attempting stunts over one’s skill level is not recommended. Approach one of our friendly iJUMP staff to understand your skill level, and in turn, learn ways to progress without putting your safety, and other guest’s safety, at risk.
- The iJUMP team will try their very best to facilitate a safe and happy environment to make the iJUMP experience a positive one for all jumpers. However, disregarding any of our rules or general disrespect towards any of the iJUMP team members, other jumpers or our equipment will not be tolerated. Any individual that fails to comply with our rules and guidelines will be asked to leave the premises immediately.

Area Specific Rules
Foam Pit Safety
- Strictly one person at a time.
- Only ever jump into the foam pit FEET/BACK/BOTTOM FIRST.
- NO Head Dives Allowed.
- NO back flips into the foam pit.
- Allow participants to exit the pit before jumping in.
- Exit the pit as quickly and safely as possible.
- Do not bury yourself or others in the pit.
- Perform skills within your ability; injuries can happen in a foam pit.
- Do not remove the foam cubes from the pit.
- Performing flips & tricks can result in serious injury, so please follow our rules to stay safe!
- Always follow the iJUMP staff’s instructions.
- Our general iJUMP safety rules & guidelines must be followed at all times.
- Any items lost in the iJUMP arena or the foam pit cannot be retrieved until scheduled maintenance.
- Referee’s calls are final.
- No front or back flips in this court.
- No intense trampoline jumping in this court.
- No intentional head/neck shots.
- No line cutting.
- When you are out, go to the END of the line.
- Don’t cross the centerline of the court when playing.
- Don’t kick the balls on the dodge ball court.
- Do not push, tackle, run on flat surfaces, race, or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Always follow the court marshal’s instructions.
- Our general iJUMP safety rules & guidelines must be followed at all times.”
- Game begins with both sides lined up on their back wall with an even amount of balls and players on each side.
- You are OUT if you get hit by a live ball.
- You are OUT if you have your ball caught by the opposing team.
- You are OUT if you cross the centre line.
- You are OUT if you throw a headshot.
- LIVE BALL = a ball that has not touched anything else first.
- DEAD BALL = once a ball hits anything.
- You are allowed to block a ball with a Dodgeball you are holding.
- THROW the Dodgeballs, don’t hold them.
- First team to completely eliminate the opposing team WINS.
Extreme Area
- Maintain one person per trampoline at all times.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Perform at your own risk. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous.
- Always be aware of your surroundings and keep a safe distance from other jumpers.
- Do not double flip. Single flips are permitted.
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
- Always follow the iJUMP staff’s instructions.
- Our general iJUMP safety rules & guidelines must be followed at all times.
Slam Dunk Basketball Hoops Area
- Strictly one person at a time.
- No front or back flips in this court.
- No intense trampoline jumping in this court.
- Do not throw the basket balls at others.
- No line cutting.
- When you have completed your attempt, go to the END of the line.
- Always follow the iJUMP staff’s instructions.
- Our general iJUMP safety rules & guidelines must be followed at all times.”
- Use of the iKIDZ facilities at the iJUMP Trampoline Arena is limited to children between the ages of 2 and 4 years of age.
- All children are to be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.
There are First Aid trained staff on site at all time. iJUMP has a level 3 trained First Aider on site at all times who can supply immediate treatment for more serious injuries.
Our rules are displayed throughout the iJUMP arena near to the respective jumping areas. All our guests are also given a safety briefing before they jump. The iJUMP staff will also ensure that the rules are adhered to throughout the iJUMP arena.