Terms and Conditions

Using iJUMP Trampoline Arena facilities is undertaken in accordance with the rules and conditions displayed throughout iJUMP.

When buying a ticket to jump at iJUMP Trampoline Arena, you are deemed to have understood and accepted the terms and conditions outlined in the below waiver.

Important Notice Please Read

iJUMP is a supplier of recreational services, as defined in the Consumer Protection Act (“CPA”). The recreational services include participation in trampolining, playground activities, aerial sport technique development, similar leisure-time pursuits and “recreational activities”.

By purchasing a ticket from us, you agree that the supply of the recreational services and participation by you in the recreational activities is subject to the following terms:

Exclusion of liability – waiver of right to claim – your assumption of risk – these conditions affect your legal rights.

I JUMP (Pty) Ltd, trading as “iJUMP Trampoline Arena” as the supplier of recreational services, sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (the customer) including, but not limited to trampolining, trampolining lessons, equipment rental, the condition, layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of trampolines and surrounds and any other associated sporting activities or similar leisure time pursuits (“the recreational activities”) in the iJUMP Trampoline Arena venue subject to the following conditions:

iJUMP, its employees, directors and agents are not liable to the customer, his/her dependants or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer because the recreational activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose or because of negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by iJUMP.

By purchasing a ticket or by using any of the facilities at the iJUMP trampoline arena venue the customer is deemed to agree to these conditions.

(i) The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are potentially dangerous, with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and even death may occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue iJUMP trampolines for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or arising from the customer’s participation in such activities.

(ii) The customer further acknowledges and agrees that due to the nature of the recreational activities, it would be unreasonable for iJUMP to be in any way responsible for any injury to or death of the customer and the customer hereby, to the full extent permitted by law, waives all of his or her legal rights of action and fully releases iJUMP and it employees, directors and agents for any loss, damages, injury or death howsoever arising out of or in relation to the participation of the customer in the recreational activities conducted or organised by iJUMP including without limitation, liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission, breach of duty, breach of contract or breach of statutory duty on the part of iJUMP, its office bearers, directors, employees or agents.

The customer further acknowledges and agrees that he or she has undertaken the recreational activities freely, voluntarily and absolutely at his or her own risk and with a full appreciation of the nature and extent of all the risks involved in the recreational activities. This waiver shall bind the customer and his or her personal legal representatives.

NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in or on this waiver, does not apply if your injury or death is due to gross negligence on the part of iJUMP.
The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises iJUMP to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

iJUMP trampoline arena has the right to refuse entry to use the facilities to you if it is deemed that you are a danger to yourself, the iJUMP staff or other customers.

Children must be at least 5 years of age to use the facilities at iJUMP trampoline arena, and when less than 12 years of age, be supervised by a responsible adult.

Use of the iKIDZ facilities at the iJUMP trampoline arena is limited to children between the ages of 2 and 4 years of age. All children are to be supervised by a responsible adult at all times. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.

Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines. If in doubt please seek medical advice.

You must comply with all signs or other directions of iJUMP trampoline arena. iJUMP may suspend or cancel your access to the recreational services in its absolute discretion for non compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct. In particular, you agree that:
(a) mobile phones must not be used whilst engaged in the recreational activities;
(b) food or drink must not be consumed whilst engaging in the recreational activities;
(c) smoking, consumption of alcohol and chewing gum is not permitted anywhere within the iJUMP facilities.
(d) you will not be allowed to participate in any of the recreational activities if reasonably considered by iJUMP trampoline arena to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
(e) you are aware of recommended warnings concerning forces and actions that could aggravate physical conditions such as pre-existing medical conditions, circulatory conditions, heart or lung conditions, recent surgeries, back or neck conditions, high blood pressure, spine, musculoskeletal, head injury, pregnancy, and/or any other medical condition not specifically mentioned herein. The use of all facilities, equipment, etc are used at own risk.

While in the iJUMP trampoline arena venue you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible and further acknowledge that participation is voluntary subject the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (“POPI”).

The weight limit for an individual user is 110 kg. iJUMP trampoline arena recommends that if you have weight-related concerns you should consult your health services provider and receive medical clearance before engaging in trampoline jumping at iJUMP Trampoline arena.

We advise that participants under 110cm in height only use the dedicated iKIDZ area or an area specifically set aside by iJUMP for this purpose.

All tickets remain the property of iJUMP and cannot be transferred or resold. They are valid only for the date shown and are void if tampered with.

The customer must comply with all signs or other directions of iJUMP and it may suspend or cancel the customer’s access to recreational activities at the iJUMP venue in its absolute sole discretion for non compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampoline or any other facilities at the iJUMP trampoline arena venue on behalf of another person, you agree that you make that purchase as the authorised agent, guardian or ward of that person so that he/she will be bound by these conditions.

Dispute Resolution

a. Any dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions will be resolved in terms of South African law.

b. The successful party in any dispute will be entitled to all legal costs incurred (often referred to as attorney-client costs).

c. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement shall be finally resolved under the Rules of The Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (“AFSA”) and under the direction of its Secretariat, by one or more arbitrators appointed according to its Rules.

No refunds or cancellations on bookings are accepted.


iJUMP (‘iJUMP’, ‘we’ or ‘us’) is a Company that provides recreational activities to the public which are considered to be extreme sports (and also fun). Please read our terms and conditions carefully as they govern your relationship with us.

Summary of important points

While you must read the entire Terms and Conditions please take special note that:

1. iJUMP activities can be dangerous. Be careful and listen to the instructions of the iJUMP staff.

2. Don’t carry any possessions with you.

3. Tell us of any relevant medical condition that you have (and if you have one your doctor must have agreed that it is still safe to do the iJUMP activities). It is the Participants responsibility to inform the iJUMP staff of any pre-existing medical condition that they have prior to utilising the facility (and if you have one your doctor must have agreed that it is still safe to do the iJUMP activities).

4. You indemnify iJUMP and all their employees from any damages (direct or indirect) which you, your child or any other person/child may suffer as a result of going on the activities from the utilization of the facilities.

5. If, for example, you book for 10 people but only arrive with 8 people, you will still pay for 10 people.

6. If you want to ensure that you have a booking then you need to book and pay online. iJUMP cannot guarantee that you will be able to participate in the activities if you do not make a booking.

7. Please read our refunds terms below to see when we provide a refund.

Your Booking

1. You must provide your relevant details when using our Web Site to book activities. You agree that the information you provide will be complete and accurate.

2. All bookings will only be confirmed after receipt of a 100% payment into the iJUMP bank account and proof of payment has been emailed to us. NB: Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received.

3. iJUMP cannot guarantee that you will be able to participate in the activities if:

* You did not book, or

* You did not book for enough people, or

* You did not book for the right activities.

4. VAT and discount

a. All prices on our Website are inclusive of VAT.

5. Payment options accepted

Payment may be made via Visa, MasterCard credit cards or by bank transfer into the iJUMP bank account, the details of which will be provided on request.

6. Online credit card acquiring and security

a. Online credit card transactions will be required for all booking payments via DPO PayGate (previously Virtual Card Services/VCS) who are the approved payment gateway for iJUMP.

b. iJUMP uses the strictest form of encryption, namely Secure Socket Layer 3 (SSL3) and no stored on credit card details are stored on the website. Users may go to www.paygate.co.za to view their security certificate and security policy.

7. Customer details separate from card details

The details of customers who opt in to receive marketing communication from iJUMP will be stored by iJUMP separately from card details which are entered by the client on PayGate’s secure site. For more details on PayGate refer to www.paygate.co.za.

8. Merchant Outlet country and transaction currency

The merchant outlet country at the time of presenting payment options to the cardholder is South Africa. Transaction currency is in South African Rand (ZAR).

9. Refunds

9.1 Refunds on individual jump sessions

a) No refunds are allowed.

b) If you do not appear on the day then you will forfeit your booking and no refund will be made.

c) If you arrive with less people than you booked for, you will not receive a refund.

d) There are no refunds if you or a member of your group arrive to participate but change your mind once you have been through the safety briefing (for example if the risks are too big for you) and decide not to participate.

9.2 Refunds on Party Bookings

iJUMP requires full upfront payment when making a party booking. The iJUMP party organiser will allow you, as the customer, one opportunity to amend the booking under the following conditions.

In the event that you wish to cancel your booking or reduce the number of people attending the party –

a) A 75% refund will be issued if iJUMP is notified at least 14 days prior to the booked start time of the party. Refunds will not apply should the amended booking fall below 10 attendees. A minimum package charge for 10 attendees will apply which is not refundable.

b) A 50% refund will be issued if iJUMP is notified at least 7 Days prior to the booked start time of the party. Refunds will not apply should the amended booking fall below 10 attendees. A minimum package charge for 10 attendees will apply which is not refundable.

c) Any cancellation falling within 7 days of the booked start time will not be eligible for any refund.

In the event that it proves necessary to close the Activities for reasons beyond the control of iJUMP and in circumstances where your party has commenced participation in the Activities, you shall not be entitled to any refund (in part or in whole). In such circumstances iJUMP may, but shall not be obliged to, offer alternative dates or times at reduced rates.

10. Responsibility

iJUMP takes responsibility for all aspects relating to the transaction including sale of goods and services sold on this website, customer service and support, dispute resolution.

11. Exclusions of Liability

a. We will not be responsible for any damage you suffer if the reason for the damage is your failure to provide complete or accurate information to us (such as the wrong name, email address, age, health status, special dietary requirements or telephone number).

b. Our facilities are open to the public and so we cannot police the facility to make sure that your valuables are not stolen or damaged. Things like cell phones, wallets and jewellery should be left in the boot of your car, as they can fall out or result in you getting hurt and you agree not to bring them along and you also agree not to hold us responsible if they do get stolen or result in you getting hurt.

c. Since these are extreme sports it is important that you have no medical condition which would make it unwise for you to participate in our activities. If you are unsure whether you should participate or not please DON’T ask our team – they are not doctors and cannot give you medical advice. Please contact your doctor and ask them for their advice instead. By signing this form you are declaring that you are not aware of any medical condition (this includes a mental condition such as an extreme fear of heights or being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs) which could compromise your safety and the safety of other participants.

d. Because these types of activities are dangerous you agree to indemnify us and all of our employees and agents from any claim for damages you may suffer as a result of being hurt in some way while participating in these activities. You also agree that your dependents cannot hold us liable for any damages (whether direct or indirect) which they may suffer.

12. Children

a) iJUMP often has groups of children that come and enjoy the activities at our arenas. If you are bringing children to our arena then our general indemnity applies to you and the children you represent.

b) Use of the iKIDZ facilities at the iJUMP trampoline arena is limited to children between the ages of 2 and 4 years of age. All children are to be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

c) By making a booking you agree that you are the responsible adult for the children and that you have obtained the guardian’s consent for the child to participate in the activities at iJUMP.

13. Security of your information

We use the iJUMP Booking System to book for the activities and utilize industry standard security measures to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Please go to their website for more information on their security policies and their privacy policy.

14. Intellectual Property

All intellectual property (this includes copyright, patents, designs, trademarks and disclaimers) contained in the Web Site is either our property, your property or the property of a third party and is not in any way licensed or sold to you. No intellectual property (such as a copyright license) is sold by means of our Web Site. You may not copy our Web Site or any of our intellectual property without our written consent.

15. Disputes

a. Any dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions will be resolved in terms of South African law.

b. The successful party in any dispute will be entitled to all legal costs incurred (often referred to as attorney-client costs).

c. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement shall be finally resolved under the Rules of The Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (“AFSA”) and under the direction of its Secretariat, by one or more arbitrators appointed according to its Rules.

16. Variation of all Terms and Conditions Due to various factors such as changes in legislation we will amend or change these General Terms and Conditions and the other Terms and Conditions from time to time. Please pay careful attention to the version number of the Terms and Conditions when making any booking as you will be bound by the most recent set of Terms and Conditions.

17. Country of domicile

This website is governed by the laws of South Africa and iJUMP chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature, Shop 4 & 5, Clearwater crossing, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort, 1724.

iJUMP Contact Details
Email: info@ijump.co.za
Telephone: 011 086 6720